Law Firm Spotlight
Law Firm Spotlight: Turco Legal

Welcome to the LawPay Client Spotlight! This month we’re lucky to feature Turco Legal from Massachusetts!
What type of law do you primarily practice?
Family / divorce law.
What’s the story of your firm? How did you get into family law practice?
I started my practice in Florida in 2008, and I chose family law because it is a great area of law in which to start your career. A lot of families don’t have the finances to hire a high-profile divorce lawyer, so it’s a great way for lesser experienced lawyers to enter the legal field and start working while providing invaluable help to individuals and families who desperately need it. Once I moved my practice back to Massachusetts, I continued practicing family law while also handling personal injury cases. However, family law is once again my primary area of practice.
What makes your practice unique?
I work with an associate and a paralegal, and all three of us are extremely level-headed, grounded people. Family law is an extremely emotional area of law, and having a team that is not dramatic is a huge benefit. In fact, we pitch our level-headedness to our clients. Many attorneys are drawn to the family law field because of the drama and emotion involved. However, you will really do a better job in these cases if you can set emotion aside completely, stay calm, and evaluate what the facts of the case are, what the dynamic is, and determine how to get the best possible result for your client.
Family law cases can get incredibly messy, especially when they involve issues of contested child custody, drug/substance abuse, mental illness, and/or domestic violence. I have handled and resolved a lot of these more complicated cases, which is another great distinction for me and the firm.
How would you describe your commitment to your clients?
Everyone in our office is 100% committed to our clients, putting our personal time aside to make sure that our clients’ needs and concerns are addressed in a timely manner. In family law cases, it’s not uncommon for clients to encounter situations after hours or on the weekend that they feel are emergencies – and we never want our clients to feel like they are lost or that they can’t get the help or information that they need. That’s why I almost always give my clients my cell phone number – I want them to know that I’m always there for them and that they can always find me.
When you’re going through a divorce, or a custody battle, all of the emotion wrapped up in the situation feels so fresh and new and unique. I deal with so much drama that at this point, I’m desensitized to it. I can talk to my clients, calm them down, and let them know that their concerns will be taken care of. It really helps to calm them down and builds and incredible amount of goodwill and trust.
How has LawPay benefitted your practice?
I have used other payment solutions in the past, but none have stacked up to LawPay. LawPay has a great client interface and is extremely convenient, both for me and for my clients. I can send my clients a link to a secure payments page when I am already sending them their bill, or I can even text them the link if their payments are late or if their retainer is running low. It makes the likelihood of getting paid so much higher because clients don’t have to take out money or find their checkbook – I can keep their credit card on file and they can pay for my services with just the click of a button.
I currently serve as Chair of the Law Practice Management Section for the Massachusetts Bar Association, so I deal closely with law firm technology and operations offerings. I have seen many different options for merchant services and I have found LawPay to be the most user friendly — both from the attorney’s interface and the client’s. Also, LawPay is designed specifically for attorneys. Attorneys can get in trouble if they don’t handle credit cards correctly – LawPay understands this and is set up to handle things correctly. When it comes to accepting credit cards and electronic payments in our firm, it’s not worth working with a provider who doesn’t work with this specific demographic all the time.
You can find Turco Legal at and