Law Firm Spotlight

Immigration Law Firm Partners With LawPay to Boost Client Satisfaction

Sammi Jones
Sammi Jones
April 1, 2024

LawPay has completely changed the way we do business. It helps our firm put our clients first - Andie Sanders, Director of Administraion at Rose Immigration Law Firm PLC

Rose Immigration Law Firm

Rose Immigration Law Firm is a full-service immigration firm known for delivering high-quality assistance with a personalized touch. What’s their secret to providing best-in-class client experiences? Dedication, understanding, and LawPay.

We sat down with Doug Russo, owner and managing member of Rose Immigration Law Firm, and Andie Sanders, Director of Administration at Rose Immigration Law Firm, to learn how LawPay elevates the client experience and continues to revolutionize the way the firm does business.

The Benefits

Flexible Payments = Happier Clients

Client satisfaction is a top priority for the team at Rose Immigration. “We treat our clients like we would treat our family,” says Sanders. “The client experience is one of the most important things that we do.”

To amplify experiences, the firm offers clients a variety of flexible payment options to meet individual needs. “Because of the complexity of the immigration process, individuals are making a big investment to become permanent residents or U.S. citizens,” says Russo. To ease anxieties and make the payment process easier, the firm uses LawPay’s Pay Later feature to enable their clients to make payments on their terms while ensuring reliable cash flow for their firm. “It also allows us to get paid upfront so we can start work on the case immediately to speed up the process for the client,” says Russo.

And if the Pay Later option doesn’t work for a client? Sanders says the firm likes to offer payment plans in the form of scheduled payments via LawPay. “The process is so easy for our clients. They give us a little bit of information, and we set up the timing of their payments,” she says. “We’ve found [this feature] to be extremely helpful to our clients and to us.”

Rose Immigration knows that meeting clients where they are is key to providing top-notch services, so they’ve integrated LawPay directly onto their website. “The clients don’t even realize they’re going somewhere else to make the payment,” says Sanders. “They just think it’s an extension of our accounts receivable department.”

Russo agrees that options are the best way to maximize client satisfaction. “Whether it’s sending a link, a Quick Bill, or having the client go to our website, the clients have the ability to select a number of options,” he says. “LawPay adds a lot of ease into the client payment process.”

Cash Flow to the Max

The nature of the immigration process is complex and there are often filing fees that need to be paid upfront. According to Sanders, “Using LawPay helps us recover that money faster, and it keeps our cash flow intact. The Pay Later option really helps us to make the payment process more accessible for people, and it helps our cash flow by getting that money upfront, so we're not waiting on that on the backend.”

To improve collections and streamline payment reconciliation, the firm relies on LawPay’s Quick Bill feature. “When we discovered the Quick Bill feature, it really helped reduce the time between asking for payment and receiving payment,” Russo recalls.

Rose Immigration has also found QR codes are helpful for encouraging clients to make quick payments. “We actually print them on little slips of paper and include them in bills that are sent via mail,” says Sanders.

“Roughly 85% of our individual clients pay via LawPay in one form or another,” says Sanders.

Friendly Support You Can Rely On

Even in the age of online payments and digital services, nothing beats old-fashioned customer service. Sanders recalls, “We had a client in Germany who had been trying to make a payment, and the international transfers were just really difficult.” To solve the problem so the firm could receive payment, Sanders reached out to LawPay customer support. “They were so friendly and got the problems figured out immediately,” she says.

Rose Immigration has been a partner with LawPay for more than seven years. She says it doesn’t make sense to go anywhere besides LawPay. “I spoke to a representative from our bank about switching to their credit card processing system, and even when he reviewed the [competitive] fees, LawPay’s fees are so incredibly reasonable and affordable for the firm.”

Meet Clients at Every Point on Their Journey With LawPay

“Online payments are a necessity in 2024 and beyond,” says Sanders.

Sanders says she recommends LawPay to any other firm administrator she meets. “It just makes everything so simple. The reporting functionality is great for our reconciliations, the fees are affordable, and the client experience is great.”

Ready to boost your client satisfaction and make your billing and payments process a breeze? Schedule a custom demo today to see what your firm can achieve with LawPay.